What the HS? A Deeper Look into the Chronic Skin Condition, Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), and the Importance of Taking Early Action

As featured in Essence:

“Have you ever been in so much pain that the mere thought of leaving the house makes you sob uncontrollably?” This is how Jasmine “Ivanna” Espy, a nonprofit founder, journalist, filmmaker and advocate living with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), feels as she shares a glimpse of what it means to live with HS. “Having HS,” Espy says, “means facing a lot of What the HS? moments – moments that make you throw your hands up and say, ‘ENOUGH ALREADY!’”


HS and Your Mental Health: A Roundtable Chat With #HSWarriors Who’ve Been There


A Woman Was Misdiagnosed With 2 Serious, Life-Threatening Diseases Before Doctors Realized She Had An Inflammatory Skin Condition