Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a debilitating chronic skin condition also referred to as a follicular occlusion.

HS consists of painful, recurring, deep-seated abscesses that may start as pustules (small, pus-filled bumps) but can also grow to the size of a golf ball or larger. The abscesses, lesions, lumps, or nodules are typically painful and release a foul-smelling pus when they burst.

Abscesses can develop anywhere there is a hair follicle on the body and don’t just appear in areas where the skin touches the skin. You may experience HS form in the groin, buttocks, under the breasts, on the chest, torso, thighs, neck, back, head, and face. The only areas HS cannot develop are on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, or the red parts of the lips.

The Three Stages of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)

Stage One

Stage Two

Stage Three

Illustrations by @carmelliburdi

If you suspect you have HS, it’s vital to make an appointment with a HS specialist, dermatologist, or primary care physician to confirm and prevent infection or worsening symptoms.


Hidradenitis Suppurativa Basics Booklet

This free community resource is a comprehensive guide about your disease, options, community, and more.

What is HS? Brochure

If you’re a physician, download this free printable brochure to place in your office for your patients.

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The beauty of connecting with community is being able to engage with said community. Once we feel empowered in our journey, we may come to the realization that we want to help others gain access to resources and feel the same empowerment we do. If this is where you’re on your journey, we would love to have you on our team!